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24spyshop miniature spy audio recording devices are used for the discreet covert audio recording of the communication held in their proximity. You can carry and hide portable mini voice recorders securely anytime you want to discretely and invisibly record a conversation. The mini spy recording device is a covert listening bug that can be left in a room, vehicle, or any other space for spying and audio surveillance or to hear the conversations held in your absence. 24spyshop has a great selection of mini voice recorder models that differ in dimensions, battery autonomy, the autonomy of the recording medium, quality of the recording, and price.
CR SLEEPER collection of portable voice recorders has a built-in patented power sleep function, which permits the device to consume virtually no battery whereas there isn't a sound. With this feature, great battery autonomy is achieved, which might final up to a few months in sleep mode.
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